Thursday, October 18, 2012

Does It Matter?

I got this little picture from a friend today and I just had to share it with you.

This was the PERFECT reminder for me today, that every single thing I do matters.  No matter how small.  No matter how mundane.  No matter how unimportant the tasks seem.  Do you ever feel that way?  I know I do.

For me, it's realizing that every single little thing I do has an impact on the lives of my children and my family. If I'm grumpy, my family is.  If I'm sad, my family is.  If I'm pissed because I have to pick up dirty underwear....again...., my family sees that attitude.  They are watching.  They see my attitude and how I chose to handle the "every day, mundane" tasks.  They are learning.  So, I need to be the best example I can be.

NOPE....I'm not always going to do it well.  I am not perfect and I will NEVER be.  But, I am not called to be perfect.  I am called to love these precious gifts that have been entrusted to me, with all of my heart. 

Mothering is an important job.  And it matters. 


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